Savannah Gray Quarry
Granite Background:
The Elberton granite is approximately 300 million years old and occurs in an area approximately 35 miles long and 4 to5 miles wide in Elbert, Oglethorpe, and part of Madison counties in northeast Georgia. The granite is a fine grained, bluish gray igneous rock comprised of approximately equal parts of potassium feldspar, plagioclase feldspar, and quartz, with some biotite mica included. Because of its high quartz content, granite products will outlast most other materials and provide many years of use and enjoyment.
The Savannah Gray Quarry is located on a 110 acre tract near the middle of the deposit, and has extensive reserves of stone available for future quarrying. ASTM tests for Savannah Gray granite are available on request.
Large rectangular blocks, averaging 40’ x 35’ x 14’ are freed from the solid granite using modern quarrying methods. This large block is then broken into smaller blocks averaging 10’ x 5’ x 3.5’ that can be removed by cranes and loaded onto trucks.
Grades of Stone:
We offer a landscape grade stone that will include some natural features found in the Elberton granite. These features include streaks (pegmatites, less than 1.5” thick), waves (lighter areas with indefinite boundaries), and possibly small inclusions of the rock the granite intruded into (xenoliths). These features do not affect the structural integrity of the stone and add character to it. This grade is used to make curbing, rubble, cobblestones, and veneer strips. It can be used in other listed products if the customer desires it.
For applications where the landscape grade is not suitable, we offer a monumental grade stone that may contain some “waves” but no streaks or inclusions.
When inquiring about products, please let us know which grade of stone you need.
Quarry Location: 304 Allgood Road, Carlton, GA 30627
Quarry Mailing Address: PO Box 37, Elberton, GA 30635